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My World Falls Down for You

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(Art work is not mine, I will leave a link to the artist and or site found accordingly and promptly at a later date. Know also that Unless I specify in Author's notes of a character being mine, they are not, and rightfully belong to their original movie, Labyrinth, which I do not own.)

Three years prior, Sarah solved the "impossible" labyrinth and refused the affections of a now very angry, and changed Goblin King. Over time Sarah grows to realize just how much she gave up as a child of 16, to return to a realm where she feels unloved and unwanted. Was the labyrinth truly that awful that she should return to a place where she is truly friendless and alone in near all senses of the word? Toby her only ally, but only 3 years old, is no company for a girl who has no one else to turn to. Her friends from the labyrinth stopped visiting abruptly some short while after her second year of it all. Uncertain as to how the Goblin King feels, she is too stubborn to wish herself back, still wishing to deny her own traitorous heart and unwilling to leave, or bog forbid bring along her little brother.

What of Jareth? ...To say he was outraged would be an understatement, still, saying he handled things with a state of decorum... was stretching the truth as well. He wasn't sure what to do with himself in that time, so he did all he knew how to, be the Goblin King he always had been, and brood, menacingly. Add taking every opportunity to spy on Sarah and going mad with longing and desire for the one woman he couldn't hold, couldn't claim for his own, and can't live without, and most certainly detested more than his dislike of losing anything.
A new game has been started however, and now they fight each other across a different battlefield entirely. Which one will budge first? What of the rules? Well... rules can stand to be broken once or twice. How far will the two of them go to stand the ground before either give into anything remotely akin to admission?
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