My sister had had this big fat crush over this guy for as long as I could remember,she is fucking obsessed for fucks sake, you would believe me if you just enter her room ,hell just by looking at the door from the outside you would know she is obsessed, In love and dumb as fuck more importantly.
This guy is a ........singer I think? , maybe an actor? Heck I don't know I just buy her the latest merch and albums.
Don't know much about this guy other than he has some weird colored eyes, I think a Strange mix of purple and gold something like that , I mean like what's wrong with normal brown eyes or blue ,why do you have to complicate shit .
Anyways enough of me ranting about this guy, but the problem is I can't, cause that same guy had cought me in a daze.
Hi my name is Zack, Zack Williams and.........well my life is actually pretty crazy.
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Also a quick heads up , this story is not what you think , like at all , it's just not , so if you intend on reading this then buckle up cause this is a tad bit of a roller coaster.