Read Stories MY SHOOTING STAR - TeenFic.Net





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Luca is a troubled teenager, who everyone thought was hard to get along with. He almost believed it himself until one day, Estella, who ended up being the girl he likes, told him differently: that he wasn't a screw up, and that he was meant for something greater.

Except he doesn't cope well when she leaves him suddenly. After Estella's departure, the impact is affecting him more than ever, causing him to not function properly on his daily activities. He tries his hardest to forget her, but flashbacks occur, and his decision to move on gets harder and harder.

As another meteor shower approaches in their town of Curicรณ, Chile, more antagonizing memories pour out, causing him aches and pains in areas that he wishes would disappear. Not just over Estella, but also the abandonment of his ruthless parents.

What's worse is that Ingrid, Estella's friend, has her eyes set on Luca for reasons no one knows about. She's clinging to him because she has a secret she has been carrying around and dying to share with him. What could it be?

Will he ever find the true reason why Estella left so suddenly? Or will he just be in the dark once again?


Edit: This is a rough draft. Grammar is being changed and updated daily.

Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to stock photos used!
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