Read Stories My Not-so-Forged Wedding - TeenFic.Net




My Not-so-Forged Wedding

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Mashiro Tsuneha arrives in front of Yamato Kougami’s apartment and knocks on his door one day, only to find that Yamato himself isn’t currently at home after the woman living next door informs her. She then gives Kunihiko Aikawa a call from her cell phone and the latter tells her to stop by Long Island and gives her a key when she arrives. Kunihiko tells Mashiro to use that key to unlock Yamato’s apartment, much to the former’s delight now that she can get into Yamato’s apartment. Kunihiko then suggests that Mashiro should go back to Yamato’s apartment and wait for him to get home after having something to eat, which Mashiro agrees to do.

After several hours pass by, Yamato finally comes home and opens his apartment door. He then finds Mashiro waiting for him, welcoming the auburn-haired man home. Yamato questions Mashiro, asking who the girl in front of him is, and Mashiro replies that she is Yamato’s future wife, confusing and shocking the auburn-haired man. Yamato soon complies and decides to fulfil Kunihiko’s request, despite the difficulties.
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