Mia is a fresh out-of-college student who has been working at Hillsong's elementary school as a paraeducator. In the classroom is a bubbly and outgoing person who brings joy to the kids. Her personal life, however, is quite bland until one day she meets a man who will eventually shake up her world.
*** Her fantasies grew bolder as she envisioned tracing the contours of his neck with delicate fingers, trailing a path down to his broad shoulders. In her mind's eye, she could feel the warmth of his skin beneath her touch, the muscles beneath it tensing at her caress.
***Images of Mia flooded his mind, each more intoxicating than the last. He imagined tracing the curves of her body with his fingertips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his touch. His pulse quickened at the thought of exploring every inch of her, of losing himself in the depths of her desire.