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My Guardian Angel

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Annabel had the perfect family. That is until a tragic accident takes her mother's life. Now, 10 years later, Annabel is 18 years old and her father is remarried. Claudia isn't a bad stepmom, but she decided that they should move away from the bad memories. California is way different than Colorado, though, and on top of the move Annabel has to finish out her senior year in a new school. She meets new friends and begins getting comfortable with her new life until he comes along.

Angel Owens; The ultimate mystery.

It seems like every time Annabel gets into trouble, he's always there to save her. He also seems to know an awful lot about her. What is he hiding? Why does he seem so familiar? But most importantly, why does Annabel feel so drawn to him?


Highest Ranking- #1 in #guardianangel
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