Water. Trapped. Lost. Fear. Darkness. Suffocation. Death.
This is what Silvia remembers. This is all Silvia has remembered for one hundred and fifty years. She had been sixteen when her house burned. She was only sixteen in October of 1866 when she had fallen in the pond bellow her balcony. Silvia Creek died in 1866. But it wasn't just a death. Silvia was murdered, but by whom, no one knew. She had unfinished business. Her spirit could only move on when the blood of her murderer was shed in the place of her death.
Seventeen year old Dylan, his younger sister, and his parents moved to the microscopic township of Willow Creek after the eldest child of the family, Jackie, had died in a car crash. Dylan had been hit hardest by the loss. He shut everyone out. Everyone, that is, except the Angel of Willow Creek, as most called her. At one time or another, each child of the city had been helped by the mysterious, sheet-white young woman and the newbie was no exception.
Of course, nothing is that simple. Not even in death. When the truth about both their pasts is revealed, Dylan must choose between his living sister and his dead one, and Silvia is forced to choose her freedom or the boy she's become close to.