My DanceTeacher | Hobi fanfic ❤️?

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"My dance teacher taught me"
"And who is your dance teacher ?"

A fanfic for all those hobi lovers out there ;)❤️


Teeny tiny smut scenes ._.

You are 17 and in your last year of school , your life isn't that interesting especially when it comes to love . In fact you have never been in love , or had a boyfriend for that matter .

You spend most of your time studying , dancing or hanging out with your best friend Lisa ..however your life soon becomes interesting when you are made to do detention duty for a group of boys ..Not just any boys . Yoongi , Jin , jimin and hobi .

How will they stir your life up , and most of all will hobi change your love life when he becomes your dance teacher ..

Authors note :

So this is in fact my first fan fic and I do hope that if this does get at least 1 read that the person reading enjoys this .
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