Read Stories Mr Capo & Mrs Assassin | 18+ - TeenFic.Net




Mr Capo & Mrs Assassin | 18+

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If I had known that all it takes to shut you up is filling your pussy, I would have done this sooner," he says, a smirk playing on his lips as he pushes the gun deeper inside me.


Luciano Rey Delgado. Known as the Rey (King) of Spain, he is the capo of the spanish mafia. He is extremely rich, handsome, and feared.
No one would dare disrespect him without expecting a bullet in their skull.

Ariella Anna Accardi. The daughter of the ex capo of the Italian mafia and the sister of the current capo. The mafia life is all she knows because she has been raised and groomed in it. At the age of 20, she became an assassin called "serpente"(serpent) after the most traumatic experience of her life. She is feisty, extremely beautiful, and feared.

What happens when these two cross paths?

Will they be able to resist eachother?
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