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minato and Kushina's life after death.

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it's the night of the kyuubi attack and minato and Kushina had just finished sealing away the full nine tails inside their own son with the reapers death seal.

taking pity on the the parents knowing that they weren't going to be able to see their son grow up and live a normal life the shinigami instead of consuming their soul's made them soul reapers.

minato and Kushina realize this the moment they wake up after a 6 year long comatose state and demand to see their son only to find someone trying and nearly succeed in killing their son.

with their soul reaper powers now awakened they will do everything in their power to protect their son from enemies of both the human and spiritual world's.

but just because minato and Kushina were made soup reapers doesn't mean that their son was also. they just didn't know it yet.

a family of soul reapers and a jinchuriki.
what could possibly go wrong???.

let's start the story and find out.
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