Read Stories Midnight (Josiah Trelawny x Gender Neutral!Reader) - TeenFic.Net




Midnight (Josiah Trelawny x Gender Neutral!Reader)

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I know this isnt the type of media for my usual audience but i just wanted to get it out there

You can also read this on my gaming tumblr blog @warekimioaisu

Cover photo by doc-dastardly on tumblr

I try to include all races and genders in my writing so lmk if ive made an error thats really specific for a certain race or gender

Songs I listened to while reading this:
towerz x spencer hunt - pillows
citrusgastank - one letdown at a time please
R.E.G! - Autumn Nights
frrb - kickflip my gradma off the stairs
nilรถwh. - fictional love.
.Uzu - I'll be waiting.
tysu - happysad (w/ TiesxBonds)
Pebelone - Can You?
brillion. & HM Surf - Kiptime
allem iversom - moon
Claire de Lune - Debussy
jhove - for you w/ trxxshed
Nohone - Quiet Saturday Night
Aixion - bo peep
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