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midas x reader oneshots

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i'm a simp, you're a simp, we're all a simp for this fortnite guy
there will be x reader oneshots and maybe some x oc!

(i might write smut, but it will probably be mega cringe)
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What You Attract

What You Attract

7 0 2

Rhea Belardo, a senior high school student from Science High School is a happy go lucky girl who believes in esoteric beliefs. She believes that everything happens for a reason, and once she started to dive into law of attraction, the polar opposites in her life start to arise. Will she be able to combat the forces of life now that she's serving her last year in high school?…

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞

55 10 3

"When the heart attacker becomes the heart breaker."Sometimes, even the smallest action can trigger a life-altering events.Who knew that an incomplete meet will become the catalyst for an unexpected turn of her fate? ✧He stepped closer, his eyes dark and intense. "What made you think you could get away from me?", he demanded, lifting her chin with his index finger, cupping her cheek with his palm, and drawing her nearer. His voice low and menacing.Her throat went dry as he spoke, her heart heavy with guilt while she looked at him.She glared at him, her eyes filled with a murderous intensity.Pressing her into his chest, he again muttered, "You belong with me, and in no position I'll let you go away from me, not while I'm still breathing."She met his gaze unwaveringly and gritted her teeth. "I don't belong to anyone, get that through your head."Her voice was low, lacking its usual confidence, but it was enough to warn him that she was no one's possession.A slow, almost cruel smile spread across his lips. "Believe me, you will soon accept that you belong with me, and only me."✧In a whirlwind of conflicted emotions, Aaraksha struggle to understand her emotions, which undergoes a sudden change after meeting Adhiraj. Despite harboring deep love for each other, her past prevents her from fully embracing their connection.As they confront their vulnerabilities, a poignant journey of trust and self-discovery unfolds, challenging them to embrace love amidst haunting memories of the past.Will their bond withstand the weight of uncertainty, or will fear tear them apart?What happened with her in the past? What were the memories which keeps haunting her in her dreams? Join me on this journey as we unravel the mysteries of Aaraksha's past and delve into the haunting memories that dwell in her dreams. Together, let's witness their magical saga of admiration and discover if they can overcome the obstacles standing in the way of their love…

¿Puedes arreglar lo que yo rompí?

¿Puedes arreglar lo que yo rompí?

2 0 12

La vida es un camino atroz que inicia en brazos, en los de otro, en una sensación cálida y de cuidado si tienes suerte... Pero, ¿Qué pasa cuándo no? Y cuando el destino, la casualidad o el designio divino determina que estás en el punto exacto para empezar a aprender tu lección. ¿Qué edad tienes? Realmente en ese instante es lo que menos importa, pueden ser 6 meses, 1 año, 5, 15, 32, los que sea, en el momento en el que llega a ti el tener que aprender las lecciones, no hay vuelta atrás, es una montaña rusa que solo ves cuesta abajo, una carrito del que no te puedes bajar, pero, siempre tenemos alguno, ese carrito no va solo, puede haber una mano detrás que no es precisamente la tuya, pueden ser dos, pueden ser varias, depende de tí la fuerza con la que los demás te empujen a seguir incluso cuando en tu camino vas cuesta arriba... ¡Que atroz se ve todo! ¡Absolutamente todo! Hasta que sin que te des cuenta, te ha desbordado el corazón un par de ojos que te miran de frente, sabes que sigues cuesta abajo pero, que dulce es adormitar el dolor en un par de fuertes brazos...Aquí inicia el relato, ¿Tú elegirás a la mente o al corazón? Te contaré desde el día 1, cuando los caminos de Jim & Aurora se encontraron... ¡Bienvenidos a mi corazón! Perdón por el desorden, no tiene mucho que lo desmoronaron.…

 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌. lando norris

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌. lando norris

14,993 800 9

𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 ━━━━━ ❝because love can burn like a cigarette and leave you with nothing❞ veronika zherebtsova spent the an entire year chasing lando norris but the guy just repealed away from her. and then one day she just stopped. he was happy about it until it did hit him. oh, he was falling in love with the champion 𝐎𝐑 in which lando norris is determined to make the beijing winter olympics champion fall in love with him❪ lando norrs 𝒙 fem!oc ❫❪ © kokosblasphemy ❫❪ ongoing ❫…

Tundra's Therian Journal ♡

Tundra's Therian Journal ♡

132 11 11

Hello!Welcome to my therian journal, this is my first one.I'm a brown tabby cat, tundra wolf and Belgian shepherd dog therian ☆Only writing in here if something therian happens.…



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Me vs My Mind

Me vs My Mind

711 43 7

"Oh look at me I lost my appetite againTwo cups of coffee but still can't get out of bedTwenty texts and three missed calls from all my friendsBut I won't answer them (I won't answer them)My thoughts are getting catastrophicAnd I can't tell all of the lies from the logic (ooooh)I don't know how to stop itWhen the voice who's talking shit is just my ownMe versus my mindIt's not a fair fightWhen I'm finally breathing and feeling aliveIt starts to sound likeLike do they hate me now?Did I say too much?When my walls came downDid I fuck it upIt's hard to know which side is rightWhen it's me versus my mindVersus my, my mind, my mind, my mind, my mindMy mind, my mind, my mind, my mindYea it would happen when I'm trying to get drunkOut at the bar when I'm dying to have funStealing moments that I wanted with my friendsBut now I'm wondering how I'm coming off to them"Grace Mikaelson follows her boyfriend, Tomas into the Maze.…

Spellbound Chronicles

Spellbound Chronicles

4 0 6

Thirteen-year-old Mia Rodriguez, a determined and empathetic girl from a bustling city, receives a scholarship to attend Avalon Academy, a prestigious private magic school hidden within the heart of a bustling metropolis. Mia, who has always felt a deep connection to the mystical arts and a desire to help others, sees this opportunity as a chance to hone her magical abilities and uncover her true destiny.At Avalon Academy, Mia discovers a world where ancient spells, enchanted artifacts, and magical creatures coexist, taught by revered wizards and sorceresses who safeguard the balance between magic and humanity. She forms friendships with fellow students who share her passion for magic and embark on quests to protect the school from dark forces lurking in the shadows.However, as Mia delves deeper into her studies and confronts the challenges of mastering her magical talents, she uncovers a sinister plot threatening to plunge both the magical and human realms into chaos. With the support of her loyal friends, mentors, and the guidance of an ancient prophecy, Mia must unlock her true potential, unravel the mysteries of her lineage, and confront a malevolent sorcerer bent on unleashing dark magic upon the world.…



286 14 32

Novels that are equivalent of being in paradise.I you're finding rom-coms or knowledgeable books do read it.Books that opened an undiscovered realm for me💖…