Read Stories Memories | minsung - TeenFic.Net




Memories | minsung

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Jisung had a hard life. From keeping a secret since he'd been born or when his mother and father splitting up when he was younger, to when his mother died only a few years after the previous event.

He never treasured it, the memories. But yet one day he decided that in order to treasure his life; even the sadness that he had gone though, he needed to simply writing a memory diary.


Details ::
- jisung's pov
- non checked grammar (I'm lazy)
- heavy influence of h20 : just add water
- heavy influence of mako : island of secrets
- mention of mature content (vaguely)
- incorrect facts
- probably other incorrect things.
- minsung only
- no other skz ships
- no mention of sexual orientation, keep it open to
your imagination
- something I've probably forgot.
- it's fantasy so don't expect a normal fanfic
- written in the past
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