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Melody Riddle and the Half Blood Prince

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Melody Riddle Book 6

Melody Riddle has lost so much, having given everything into being a spy both for Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore, and yet getting nothing in return but a severe lack of faith after her actions in the Ministry.
Juggling missions from two opposing sides; starting her career as a professor; watching the intertwined fates of Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy; and continuing her studies to get stronger... make for an ever evolving year in her choices for the future.
And if that wasn't enough for her to deal with, there is also the mysterious element of the memories being visited throughout the year alongside Dumbledore and the Chosen One, Harry Potter. Memories of which prove that something beyond even Dumbledore's understanding have been set into motion when Melody sees them.
Should she believe in fate? Or has there been someone pulling the strings all along?

(Disclaimer: (to be safe) I only own some characters and scenes in this, most belong to JK Rowling. Also don't own any of the pictures or gifs I use, they just add a nice touch to the beauty of my story).
(Hogwarts Mystery tag is for certain characters that are included in my Hogwarts Mystery fanfiction (many of whom belong to Jam City), even some of the canon characters. This being future them, there are spoilers for my Hogwarts Mystery version itself. Be warned).
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