Read Stories MCU's Spider-Man 3 - TeenFic.Net




MCU's Spider-Man 3

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Spidey's third adventure finally begins in the MCU Universe where things go bump into the night Peter and his friends and family face off against something beyond reality feathering Michael Morbious The Living Vampire wreaks havoc in Queens feathering returning characters from the first two chapters Mary Jane Watson May Parker Harry Osborn and Eddie Brock and don't forget after this comes the tv series of MCU's Spider-Man where we experience the entire legend of Stan Lee's Masterpiece of Spider-Man's adventure in protecting New York City

Senior Year finally arrives and Peter's first step to adulthood takes a turn into the darkness of the night when Norman Osborn's scientist Michael Morbius is diagnosed with terminal cancer his desperate attempts come with the ultimate price Morbius has become a living vampire with a deadly thirst for blood Norman tries to cover his part in it but when Morbius sets his feeding ground in Queens it drives him to face our friendly neighborhood hero but Morbius's thirst for blood takes over when he has chosen Mary Jane as his bride to be against an army of vampires Spidey must seek help from Venom once more and save the city from becoming the city of the Undead
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