On Aurora Emmenson 12th birthday she is engaged to Elliott knight...
Aurora is the only child and Spoiled by her grandparents....
Elliott is a elder son and grown arrogant and rude
" I am your fiencè.... I should be your girlfriend" argued Aurora crossing her hands to her chest
"Don't you dare to say it loud... I will be your husband but not a boy friend.... till we reach 25 you are nothing but a stranger for me" Elliott replied calmly
"So you will date all these girls" she pointed out
"It's none of your business... but Still I reply yes... I will date all these girls... atleast they are beautiful... not ugly as you" he said with smrike
"don't you dare to call me Ugly.... you are most ugliest beast ....I have ever seen" she yelled at him
"mind your words.. you are nothing but a spoiled brat" he replied with anger in eyes
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