Read Stories Make The Pain Go Away - Ghost AU - TeenFic.Net




Make The Pain Go Away - Ghost AU

920 likes / 22,774 reads
When tommy dies to the hands of Dream how does L'manburg act? When the ghost disappeared what will happen then? The loud, chaotic and slightly annoying child know as Tommyinnit was the backbone of this country. When you take the backbone, the body crumbles. Is L'manburg able to build the body back?

Sorry I'm not the best at descriptions.
This is my first fic so please don't send me hate and if something is wrong point it out.

If anyone in the story wants me to take it down I will.

Credits go to lybritalia on Instagram.

50 in sleepyboisinc on 3/20
25 in ghostinnit on 3/30
15 in ghostinnit on 5/23
10 in ghostinnit on 5/24
35 in sbi on 5/27

1k reads on 3/23
2k reads on 5/6
3k reads on 5/24
4k reads on 6/1
6k reads on 7/3
7k reads on 7/23
8k reads on 8/6
9k reads on 9/10
10k reads on 9/22
11k reads on 10/11
12k reads on 11/6
13k reads on 11/28
14k reads on 12/17
15k reads on 1/21

Started: 2/9
Finished: 5/28
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