Read Stories Magnetic | Ao'nung x OC - TeenFic.Net




Magnetic | Ao'nung x OC

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[ But the heart wants what it wants ]


Kristy was a human girl.

Until she wasn't anymore.

At the age of fourteen Kristy got her own avatar and could finally be one of the people without being completely judged. She had luck because her friend spider, also a human, unfortunately couldn't get an avatar. That's probably the reason the boy distant himself from her, he envied her. He wanted what Kristy had.

But when the boy gets kidnapped the Sully's take Kristy with her guilty feelings to a new na'vi clan.

What happens when she meets a boy she wished she never met? What happens when they can't stay away from one another even through they hate each other?

Aounung x OC

All rights reserved!!
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