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Magic in her smile

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Sien Celestine Serria was the bad girl everyone noticed-never following the dress code, always grumpy, and wearing a constant frown. Deep inside, she just wanted to be loved but never got the love she deserved. People saw her tough exterior but missed the longing in her heart.

Then there was Migz Devine Arcero, the class president. Decent, proper, and always by the book, he was strict with Sien, constantly frustrated by her rule-breaking ways. To him, she was just trouble.

But what if one day, something changed? What if a spark ignited between them, catching them both off guard? Suddenly, Migz saw beyond Sien's rebellious facade, noticing the magic in her smile and the warmth in her eyes. Sien, in turn, saw the caring side of Migz, hidden beneath his strict exterior. They began to see each other in a new light, discovering how much they needed each other, changing everything.
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