Maggie Cartwright: Book 2 Man In The Window

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Finding out someone was after her for causing the death of Lucky the Kid, life wasn't peaches n' cream anymore. With school right around the corner, and finding out she can't go to school, is one thing, but waking up every night to see a man staring at her through her window is another type of scary. And that not the worst part. In his right hand is very obvious, that it's a knife. For the first week, no one believes her, but when someone else finally sees him, her life gets even more horrible. Especially when her new prized filly gets stolen. Will she be able to live again without having to look behind her back everytime she is outside or in town? And will they figure out who the man is that is terrorizing the youngest Cartwrights and who stole Maggie's new filly?

Started: Wenesday, August 31st, 2022

Finished: Monday, September 5th, 2022
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