Read Stories Love Me When I'm Unlovable - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



Love Me When I'm Unlovable

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Sixteen-year-old "model Christian" LeAnna Daniels is rooted in God's Word. She knows she's His Child. There's nothing she can't handle with His help. She knows every rule there is to know in the Bible. She knows exactly how to witness. Or so she thinks.
Then her family takes in Rita, a wild, reckless fifteen-year-old who was orphaned and placed in foster care at the age of seven. Rita tests LeAnna in ways she never thought God would test her in.
When Rita makes a terrible decision and pays the consequences, all LeAnna wants to do is scream at her, and she doesn't understand why.
It's a lesson she never thought she would ever need. It's a lesson on how to love someone.

Fifteen-year-old "juvenile delinquent" Rita MacKenzie is mad at the world. It's not hard to see why. A fire killed her parents when she was seven, she was separated from her siblings, and a lifetime of trauma and abuse follows her.
Then she's sent to what the judge calls her last shot before shes shipped to juvie. And possibly her last chance at a family. No one wants a teenager, after all.
She hates it. Strict parents and a foster sister who's constantly trying to shove religion down her throat might just be the last straw for her.
But just as she begins to learn that their love- and God's love- has no strings attached, a terrible mistake has her questioning everything, especially God's love.
It's a lesson Rita's been neglecting for years. It's a lesson on how to accept love, especially when you know you don't deserve it.
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