Love is a Battlefield (Yuri!!! On Ice - Otayuri)

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2 years later, Yuri Plisetsky has a crush on his best friend that he's determined to ignore. Mila is determined to meddle. Yuri overhears a conversation between Mila and Beka that leaves him feeling betrayed. Before he can confront them, he has to leave to nurse his sick Grandpa and his own broken heart. When Beka shows up at Grandpa's door, Yuri doesn't know what to think. Pining with a happy ending.

The title and chapter titles are all song titles - songs that I felt are appropriate to the chapters / work and that I think Yuri would listen to. For some reason I headcanon him listening to a lot of 80s big hair bands - maybe it's his fashion sense ;-)

In any case, I will post each song at the top of its respective chapter. (There will be 7 chapters)

I've created a youtube playlist of the songs referenced that can be found here:

Or, if you prefer, on google play here:
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