Read Stories LOVE&FAMILY - TeenFic.Net





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WARNING: Terrible ML and ending.

This is the normal cliché but with lots of plot twists and secrets. And if you have read GONE and here no more, you know that I am full of them.

In the 19th century, every father is working or enjoying his money, every mother is searching for the perfect rich match for her daughter, every son is busy finding the fancy girl and every daughter is busy of making her self acceptable and pleasant for a rich man except for one.

Meet Amelia Abbot, She is a girl who sits at a corner, watches people and examins their actions. She had no care for any man until a specific man sat next to her.

He was the first man to catch her attention but with her little sister around, could she find happiness with him?

I hope you enjoy it❤❤

#8 Historical Fiction
#453 Romance
(Thank you so much😭😭❤❤)

🏅Best Historical Fiction (Fruit Awards)
🏅Historical Fiction Runner-up (Creativity Awards)
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