Read Stories Longest Poem written by Nikhil Parekh - Only as Life - TeenFic.Net




Longest Poem written by Nikhil Parekh - Only as Life

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Longest Poem written by Parekh contains a Herculean, 7389 words, 46257 characters. Composed in his own inimitable style and with stupendous intensity all throughout, the poem is a royal treatise to the chapters of the English language and is the first of its kind evolved in pure poetic verse till the end, unlike many of its contemporaries. The verses within are humble salutations to the boundless chapters of life and love and are a reflection of the poet's brain, bizarrely stretched to the most unprecedented limits. Now available in the form of a book, this singular poem is one of the most outstanding example of thousands of similies encompassed under one roof and delivered to optimum effect. The poem continues to be unparalleled in its length and one of the most unflailingly distinctive of its kind in the universal english poetic fraternity.

This book aims at eventually arriving at the veritable meaning of the chapter called ' Life ' - interweaving through countless elements and analogies offered by the boundless creations of God - unfurling each instant around us.
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