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Little Poppy

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♚ Period drama ♚
Summary: "My family and the Rice's have been enemies since forever, and it all started because a Rice ancestor married the woman my ancestor was supposed to marry. The thing is though, that over the years, some members of both families have gotten married. The last one, my grandmother's sister, and they lived happily ever after. But that will never happen to me. Especially not with the youngest Rice son, Declan."
This is the first thing I've ever written with Declan, and I feel a bit nervous tbh, he's special 😅
It's a spin-off from my other story with Mason, The Lord in Blue, which means it is another period drama. The other one could fit in different moments through history, but I feel like this one suits better during the Regency era, mainly because half way wiriting it all the promo for the new season of Bridgerton started, and I was reading one of the books 😁
Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for reading! 💜
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