Lily Evans is a muggle-born witch who attends the excellent Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
In the autumn of 1975, Lily begins her fifth year at the school which proves to be a very trying time.
Over the years her sister has refused to speak to her after learning her younger sister was magic, but this year there seems to be a change.
During her first semester, her father seems to be growing ill, and she feels powerless.
Her oldest and closest friend Severus Snape has become tangled with a group of boys who refer to themselves as "Death Eaters" who hate muggle-borns and bloodtraitors.
James Potter is constantly seeking ways to attach himself to her.
It's also her fifth year which is when it's time for Hogwarts students to start looking towards their futures which is a difficult task in itself.
Then, there's the rise of a dark wizard who calls himself the Dark Lord Voldemort on the horizon. He vows to "purify" the wizarding race of muggle-borns and bloodtraitors, and the word war has been throw around on more than one occasion.
With all of this happening, how can the teenage witch make it through her fifth year of school?