Read Stories Like Hades and Persephone - TeenFic.Net




Like Hades and Persephone

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Taehyung arrived like he's a god.

And made Jisoo's life flipped.

The farm she always thought was theirs, suddenly ends up in the hands of the Kims and it will be nothing but a casino if she wont be able to buy it from them.

And as much as Jisoo would love to buy it back, their assets are no match to what the Kims are demanding. Her blood boils as she cant get into an agreement with them and it seems as though a little devil is making it extra hard for her.

But more than loosing the land, the future of her sister, Rosè is at stake.

Rosè just got into a prestigious music university and Jisoo will give everything to make sure her sister graduates.

She wonders how long will she be able to put up with the most unbelievable guy she had ever met.

Or has his antics becoming more endearing as days pass?
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