Read Stories Life without Hiccup (Hiccup run away Fanfiction) - TeenFic.Net




Life without Hiccup (Hiccup run away Fanfiction)

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Hiccup ran away with Toothless and Astrid is the only one that knows everyone else thinks Hiccup was taken away by the Night Fury, just like Astrid told them. 2 years later and everyone is still a little sad about Hiccup but most have moved on, not Stoick. He's always keeping to himself, staying quiet, not eating or sleeping as much as he once did. He has fallen into a state of depression. Astrid just got back after a year of 'hunting the dragon that killed Hiccup' (really helping Hiccup build dragons edge and assembling a group of dragon riders) and is struggling keeping the secret about Hiccup still being alive. The only thing that is keeping her quiet is the thought of becoming a traitor to Berk and getting banished and her dragon Stormfly, a deadly nadder, being killed.

A couple years after Astrid returns, things become normal again and Stoick starts coming out of his house more often. Everything is fine, that is until Astrid's Dragon Rider past catches up with her and threatens to spill all her secrets.

This story is about how Berk deals with Hiccup disappearing and assumed dead, it'll normally be in Astrid's or Stoick's POV. Hiccup will be mentioned a lot and will be in a couple of chapters.

I do not own httyd, all rights go to dreamworks.
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