Read Stories Letters to my dead Best Friend - TeenFic.Net




Letters to my dead Best Friend

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Since Lisa's death, Caroline has had not been able to let go. She has written to her even though she can never send them to her. Read her words and as she speaks to her dead best friend, even though it is a one-sided conversation. [This is to promote that suicide can hurt more people than you think. There are other ways to get better and people who do love you]

(Sorry for not having a book cover up, I have my phone stolen a few days ago. Which is what I normally use to make my book covers. But I really wanted to get this first entry up for you dreamers. Hope you enjoy and hope will appeal to you if you're going through a dark period in your life. Sweetie, it'll only get better if you keep going. I know it's hard, and I know it can be tiring but you just gotta keep moving. It will get better, I promise you that. )
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