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Les Elfes

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Voici un livre dans lequel vous pourriez savoir toutes les races d'elfes
Tags: #elfes
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The Lost Cat

The Lost Cat

73 11 11

A cat named Luna has been separated from her sister. Luna is on a journey to find her sister that has been taken away. Will she ever find her beloved sister again?…

My Tar Soul

My Tar Soul

2 0 2

Ashley Graves x Female Reader .Your Drusilla, Ashley is your neighbor in these coffin of an apartment complex. One day your out on your balcony having a smoke, partly listening in on Ashley and Andrew's fight for entertainment, you've spoken to Ashley a couple times and everything she gets this look in her eyes like hearts.. like an obsession. You get snapped out of your thoughts as Ashley and Andrew bring there fight onto the balcony and.. holy shit. you freeze as you see Andrew falling and hit the ground.…

Interviewing characters from Character Ai

Interviewing characters from Character Ai

16 0 3

This what charecter Ai told me hehe.... idk If I should be worried.... BUT! I am doing this for you all! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO CHARACTER AI…

𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 [F Yanderes x F Reader]

𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 [F Yanderes x F Reader]

6 0 2

[Female yanderes x female reader]𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙀: A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.When Y/n catches the attentive endearment of five different ladies, She needs to try navigate and circumvent through their unpredictable nature, before it evolves into something minatory. Or was her fate already foreordained when they laid eyes on her?…



3 0 3

Hannah, uma jovem de 18 anos que mora com o seu irmão mais velho, Wendy; Apesar de tudo que viveu, ela leva a vida numa boa, exceto por um cara, Adam miller, o amigo mais próximo do seu irmão, o mesmo que faz dos dias da hannah se tornarem mais chatos e irritantes. Apesar de tudo, os dois vão se conhecendo, e se nem tudo entre eles for só feito de ódio?…

A man with Cigar

A man with Cigar

25 4 4

A famous idol named Chelsea meets an unfortunate man named Edward. Where Edward got into the messy and cruel world of Chelsea, he became a personal assistant to Chelsea with an unparticular task: to stop her from committing suicide. He will try to get out of this situation, but later on, he will develop a deep connection with Chelsea.…

「迷惑系配信者」に罰金20万円 牛丼店で大音量、業務妨害罪

「迷惑系配信者」に罰金20万円 牛丼店で大音量、業務妨害罪

0 0 1

欧州連合の気象情報機関「コペルニクス気候変動サービス(C3S)は9日、2023年は観測史上最も暑い年だったと発表した。気候変動の影響で、熱波や干ばつの強度が増し、山火事も世界的に多発した。産業革命以前の世界平均気温との比較では1.48度高かった。 産業革命前に比べて地球の平均気温が1.5度を超えてしまうと、気候変動の影響はより破滅的になると科学者は考えている。2023年は1年の半分以上の日で1.5度を上回った。 C3Sのサマンサ・バージェス(Samantha Burgess)副所長は、2023年は「観測史上初めて、全ての日で産業革命以前比で1度を上回った」と述べ、「平均気温としては、過去10万年で最も温暖だった可能性がある」とした。 また、11月には産業革命以前比で平均気温が2度を超えた日が2日あった。 世界各地では昨年、自然災害が多発した。カナダで大規模な山火事があり、「アフリカの角(Horn of Africa、アフリカ東端部)」や中東の一部地域では深刻な干ばつが起きた。また、欧米と中国は夏季に前例のない厳しい熱波に見舞われた他、オーストラリアと南米では記録的な暖冬となった。…

Reading Percy Jackson

Reading Percy Jackson

8,397 409 141

Greek and Roman Demigods are sent to the past with Chiron the Centaur to before any of them were born. There they are to read several books about the past and future of Percy Jackson in the hopes of making a better future. I do not own Percy Jackson or the story an awesome author Lorixjake dose.Art is ai…

Fly Away|| Mikaelson Siblings & S. Salvatore & B. Bennett✴︎

Fly Away|| Mikaelson Siblings & S. Salvatore & B. Bennett✴︎

1,130 14 1

Stefan had stayed in Mystic Falls for Elena and Elena only but a certain girl changes that all. Leaving Stefan confused and in awe. Penelope didn't really care much for really anything, she did what she liked but what happens when she finds love?This is one of my drafts that I published that I may pick up as one my mains but may not so don't get your hopes up.…