Read Stories (LeoN/NEO) Dream.scape - TeenFic.Net




(LeoN/NEO) Dream.scape

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Hakyeon wants to escape.
Reality is tiring and he was tired of trying to accept that reality.
He's tired of Taekwoon pushing him away all the time.

"Why am I trying so hard? "

If only the real Taekwoon was like the Taekwoon in his dreams.
The one who loved, cared and cherished Hakyeon as much as Hakyeon cherished Taekwoon.
But a dream is just a dream... a dream in which Hakyeon did not want to wake up from.
Not now and not ever.

* * * * * *
A/N: 'Dream.scape' is a sequel of my previous two series 'The World of Us' and 'If You'
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