Read Stories KiriBaku Month-Aug 2021 - TeenFic.Net




KiriBaku Month-Aug 2021

551 likes / 7,455 reads
31 Chapters, 31 adorable prompts--PLEASE don't let me get addicted.

-Smash (skipped)
-Beach Day (skipped)
-Timeskip (skipped)
-"I miss you"
-Bodyguard AU
-Cooking together
-"I like you"
-Favorite Song
-Free Theme
-Reincarnation AU
-"You save me"
-Disney AU
-Angel & Demon
-If they were canon
-College AU
-Hiking (skipped)
-"Thank you" (skipped)

I'm going to admit right now, I already have favorites. ALSO note: It is currently 9:46PM Aug third, so I will start on the fourth and go back for the other three, yeah? Yeah.
May be you like?