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Kayaba's Greatest Creation

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I found a medow of flowers near a river and decided to lay down watching the clouds, they look so real, they are real. At least to me, this all feels so real.

"You did it dad. You've totally made me forget about my life outside this game, how you destroyed so many peoples lives. You happy now?" I say to myself i take my eyepatch off and just enjoy this moment. A smile crept into my face. The sky is blue sun shining. It's beautiful.

"Akane Kayaba." Once someone says my name i freeze. How does anyone know that name. I instantly stand up and grab my sword turn around and take a stance. but i stand down once i see his face.

"Kirito." i say. He gave me a small smile. "Who is Akane?" I ask trying to play dumb.

"Xena, I know who you are. I thought from day one that i knew who you were but then i couldn't remember where I seen you. But i remember the second i herd the Pink Shadow took out the boss on 32nd floor. You're Akihiko Kayabas daughter." I just fall to my knees and begin to cry. I've hid this for so long and tried to forget about my being his daughter.

•I'm a crappy writer so this story might not be that good. Read it if you'd like•

(Under some editing when i have free time so i can fix my stupid mistakes)
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