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Jasmine and the chocolate factory

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Charlie Bucket is all grown up and now has a daughter name Jasmine. Charlie owns the chocolate factory ever since Willy Wonka had choose him to run it because he was getting old and retiring. Charlie brought his family to the factory to live there with him because he couldn't leave his family. His grandparents have long since passed and Charlie as a man now is married to this lovely woman and had a daughter. Jasmine grow up hearing her great grandfather Joe's stories of the days when he worked in the factory and hearing her father's story of how he now owns the factory. Jasmine is living the life. A life anyone could dream of having. A life filled with chocolate. But the problem is she is home schooled and doesn't have friends of her own age. The only friends she has are the Oompa Loompa's and as much as they like them deep down she wants real friends. Will the factory reopen it's doors and for Jasmine to have friends her own age and size?
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