Read Stories Jaiden Initium Guardians Of Earth - TeenFic.Net




Jaiden Initium Guardians Of Earth

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Suicide and Abuse in the story and Minor Profanity and Swearing. If you're not comfortable don't read it.

The year is 2042, and Jaiden and her friends soon receive powers from outside their home planet. Soon news quickly spread across the world about their powers and an organization was formed by the United Nations under President Jimmy's leadership called the Guardians Of Earth.

The Guardians Of Earth is a group tasked with the goal of defending Earth from supernatural threats outside of the solar system, as well as maintaining justice across the planet and other territories by the humans of Earth.

This story is a suppose to be a prequel to my previous story Jaiden Initium, so you can read this story without needing to read Jaiden Initium :)
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