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It's Just How It Is.

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got inspired by my friend, so I'm writing Abt my life:3
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61 0 6

we are going to shut up. ..what the hell was thatno gonna accept you here...a story of a girl and her 7 step brothers which happens to be's gonna be tuff......LET SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ...........…

•Shaded▪︎Masks• LAPIDOT AU

•Shaded▪︎Masks• LAPIDOT AU

0 0 1

This is my 2nd lapidot AU, I kinda gave up on the last one, tbh so I just decided to make a new one^^…



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Luật pháp Việt Nam điều chỉnh những gì về việc chơi casino trực tuyến?

Luật pháp Việt Nam điều chỉnh những gì về việc chơi casino trực tuyến?

0 0 1

Luật pháp Việt Nam điều chỉnh những gì về việc chơi casino trực tuyến?…

' desire ; P. BUECKERS

' desire ; P. BUECKERS

799 43 10

IN WHICHthe american girl falls for the london raised girlOR NAIVA BRADY - DURANGO catches the attention of a girl that she doesn't know exists…

10 Years That I Love You The Most

10 Years That I Love You The Most

8 0 3

Sometimes dreams are more worthit that reality, fake scenarios give us hope, while the reality leave us broken.But what if one day you will be stock in your dreams? and meet an unexpected person would you choose to wake up or staying in that dream?…



-1 1 10

It is a story where you can't create your perfect time.…

Tech and Lust

Tech and Lust

0 0 5

A Succubi name Y/N is trying her best to get find a job and leave her abusive mother. Finding a job will be hard due to her father's past mistakes in the town that tainted the family name. After getting some help from her best friend she tries to find Job in the city. In the city she catches an eye from an overlord and now she is working for them...what happens in the work place may surprise you...…

Age regression art , stories and sruff

Age regression art , stories and sruff

29 3 2

this is a book of sfw age regression stuff, no inappropriate stuff allowed!…



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When Ricky was a kid, he had a best friend that only he could see, he was a teenager but that didn't matter to the young curly-haired boy. That is until his parents started to fight, and his friend disappeared. He eventually met Big Red, Nini and Courtney in grade school and they became his friends but he never forgot his childhood friends. He starts to date Nini but when she moves the relationship too fast, he finds himself at a stage he is not yet ready for and as a result, she breaks up with him and finds a new love in E.J.At school, Nini acts as if he doesn't even exist, ignoring the curly-haired boy, bringing back unwanted memories, and wanting to preserve their friendship Ricky auditions for the school play and accidentally lands the lead male role, much to her displeasure, which she expresses when she can.The last straw comes when she snaps at him when he was simply trying to be helpful, he then comes back home only to find that his parents have finally decided to split up, due to this Ricky finally breaks down and has a massive anxiety attack. His parents then decide to send him to Mike's step-brother's house while they sort out the divorce.While staying with his uncle Ray, Ricky helps his cousin find her love for music with the help of 3 ghost boys who are also a band, along the way he finds himself falling for a blonde, pink-loving drum player, and meets his old friend Wille, who he also has feelings for, but what happens when a certain ghost hears about his special ability?…