Read Stories Infatuation(GxG) - TeenFic.Net





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Lillian Maurer was a beautiful girl who was very infatuated to someone who she was the same gender with for years.

'Six years and still counting'

Cassandra Collins was aloof as she was beautiful.

'Oh such beauty in its truest and purest form'

Instead of being called antisocial Cassandra Collins passes it all by being one of the most prettiest and popular at school.

'I know. Very charming and very very beautiful'

Lilian Maurer can't get over her girl crush for years and even worship where she walks to. It even passes her TV idols and stuff which was very very popular at their generation.


She was becoming more and more crazy about her every time she saws her which was everyday.

'Is it a good thing to be that crazy about someone who I'm so infatuated to? I guess so'

Catch Lillian Maurer in her adventure in love which can and probably might affect her for the rest of her entire life.

'Wish me luck'
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