Read Stories In Fair Verona - TeenFic.Net




In Fair Verona

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After an offended Greek goddess sends Kenna back in time to Elizabethan England, she discovers she must stop the theft of Shakespeare's best known tragedy before returning to her century, all while resisting the charms of the theatre's Romeo.


After being dumped via voice note, Kenna Fernsby is convinced there was never a tale of more woe. Offended by the insult to true tragedy, a Greek goddess banishes Kenna to Elizabethan England, where she stumbles upon a plot to steal the priceless first draft of "Romeo and Juliet" from right under William Shakespeare's nose. Determined to outwit the thieves, Kenna dives into the intrigue, even when doing so may tangle her healing heart with a man from the past and force her to choose between the 16th century life she has fallen in love with and the fate of the play she loves as much.

[[Wattys 2021 Winner in Historical Fiction]]
[[Word count: 80,000 - 90,000 words]]

The quotes from Romeo and Juliet used in this story were taken from the iBooks edition of the play. The text was originally from

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