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Identity (A Sanders Sides Superhero AU)

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Superpowers are extremely rare. 1 in 1,000 teenagers will discover their hidden powers.

Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil have been friends since grade school. Unfortunately Virgil had moved away in the 6th grade. It was that year that all 4 of them had discovered they had superpowers. Logan, Patton, and Roman or Logic, Morality, and Creativity(Prince) were tracked down by the International Superhero Association (ISA) and trained how to properly use their powers for good. Virgil however was kidnapped before the ISA could get to him instead being taught how to use his powers for evil.

One day in 8th grade our 3 closeted (in both sexuality and power wise) hero's heard a tragic tale. A tale of their old friend Virgil Rinds, the boy who killed himself. And from that day forward they promised to protect as many people as they could.

When a new super villian, Anxiety, comes to town, it's up to our hero's Logic, Morality, and Prince, to save the day.

And then things get complicated.

Little bit of trigger warnings in the backstories but other than that it should be clean. Specific chapters will have warnings of they need to.

[Due to mental health this book is on temporary hiatus. I'll be back soon :)]
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