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Teen Fiction



Ideally Iconic

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On the whim of leaving everything behind, Lacey pleads for a sign of hope.

College wasn't as ideal as she planned it to be. Left heartbroken, her social status abruptly skyrocketed when she posts a drunken update on social media. Even after deleting the embarrassing video, many people had re-posted and shamed her for her outburst.

Astor was the socialite, the innocent heartbreaker who doesn't know what he wants. He toyed with emotions until he found a raw connection with Lacey, but in the midst of fear, breaks it off before they can admit how they feel. After someone sent him the outburst video of Lacey, he realizes that the emotional break between them had made Lacey confident and free in comparison to his sadness.

The rollercoaster of emotions through an upbringing heartache never ceased to impress their surrounding friends. In comparison, they cared about the safeness and security Lacey brought and sought after when Lacey turned her personality around. Lacey was tangled up in a great escape.
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