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Ice & Darkness

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In a country named Silvia, a conflict arose between humans and magicians. Kingdoms formed together to defeat the force that they cannot control. The queens of the kingdoms ran away with their children in fear. No one knew where they had flee to. The kings knew their wrong doings, but continued on with war. Seven years later, the war had calmed down, and a new generation had been born.

Three childhood friends: Aleena Houston, a seventeen-year-old servant girl, has a respective and kind attitude. She has a set of unique colors for her eyes, one side blue and one side purple. She tends to make everyone around her feel happy and safe. Aleena's tough nature will help her get through life's problems.
Elliot Hackman works as a squire for the Knights of Silvia. He knows the arts of swordsmanship and plans on becoming a knight himself. He has a soft side for children and a strong heart of protecting others. He's your hot, 19-year-old guy with the face of an angel.
Levi Kolby was the son of a farmer, and had mastered swordsmanship with his father who retired from the war. He was strong and caring for others. He was cool, calm, and collected in each and every way. His looks and body structure was perfect like a 18-year-old prince.
They loved each other like family, and when hard times came they'd help each other. As time passes, a new love starts to unravel, and so does a dark secret that will once again rage war.
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