Read Stories I Was Hoping For A Quiet Life, But You Gave Me So Much More - TeenFic.Net




I Was Hoping For A Quiet Life, But You Gave Me So Much More

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Isaac and Liam's father has been abusing them, physically and mentally, since their mothers death 10 years ago. Isaac was just 7, and Liam had only just turned 6. Although they've wanted to speak out against him for years they feared whether they'd be believed, seeing as their father is a well known, and beloved, member of the community, and, as luck would have it, a high ranking member of their towns police force.

Isaac has been working since he was 14, even though it wasn't legal, earning money to eventually afford to buy or rent a shitty apartment literally anywhere but here. Liam did the same when he was finally old enough. With their father leaving on an out of state trip for a week, they've been gifted with the perfect opportunity. To jump state lines and find a small place in the isolated, seemingly quiet, town of Beacon Hills. But with the start of a new school year, one that's already started off rocky seeing as they have no real explanation for why their parents can't come to the school to finalize things, and the interesting infatuation a certain lacrosse captain seems to have with Isaac, quiet is definitely not an option.

Also on AO3, same title. Updates much more frequently on AO3.

Some TW's for child abuse, nightmares, some violence
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