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I'm Still Holding On

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With Endeavor dead, he decided on an early retirement- his life goal finally achieved. Dabi stands in front of the mirror of his white room and studies himself silently. Over time, he's gained a healthy amount of weight and actually has the time to sit back and take care of his scars. Even though he looks into the mirror everyday, he still feels like a stranger in his own skin. With his staples gone and his scars now faded to a muted purple, he can't recognize the person staring back at him. Dabi tentatively reaches a shaking hand up and touches the flaming red that's starting to peek over his dyed black hair.

"Don't know what you're worried about, hot stuff. You're looking better than ever!" His turquoise eyes shift to see Hawks leaning against a wall with a lopsided smile. Dabi frowns at the hero and Hawks laughs.

"Oh come on! I actually don't wanna upchuck when I look at you now," Hawks pauses and studies Dabi's frown while tilting his head- his own grin falters slightly. "I was just joking, y'know. Don't take it personally."
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