Read Stories I'm Not An Avenger - TeenFic.Net




I'm Not An Avenger

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She doesn't think she's beauty.
She isn't really grace.
But she will punch you in the face, especially if you threaten Bucky.

She has more power than anyone could ever have predicted. She is the ultimate weapon.
Whole countries would fall to her if she but lifted a hand.
The Avengers are her worst enemy, with power she doesn't want literally at her fingertips.
They're also her only hope.

She is a law unto herself, and she wishes she wasn't.

I AM REMAKING THIS. I came across some severe plot holes which, to overcome, would require me to pretty much ruin this story beyond repair. A new version is on its way, but it will be separate as idk if people still want to read this and I'm just leaving it up. Partly cos I may end up coming back to it if the new one falls through.

Disclaimer: I only own the main character. The Avengers, characters from Beautiful Creatures, Harry Potter etcetera are not my invention and no copyright infringement is intended. Plus, I'm using a little bit of artistic licence when it comes to personalities so it may not be 100% accurate to Marvel.
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