Read Stories I Forgot That You Existed - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



I Forgot That You Existed

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I Forgot That You Existed is a story about the passage of time, insights and life-defining memories. The novel is told through Ava's first person narration, a precocious eighteen-year old, freshman college who's trudging the career of uncertainty and recounting her memories of her amazing life and a tragic event that changed her world upside down.

But when Ava takes a spur-of-the moment camping while escaping their school's outdoor activity to the place she once cursed, her world gets rocked to the core- not just by the relaxing effects of the sun and idyllic scenery of the nature, but by one man in particular. He has an attractive personality, a tall and sharp featured. A handsome guy with intellectual touch avoids loose talking and indecency whom Ava's secretly admires. The mountain have cast their spell and Ava soon realizes she has come to uncontrollable situation and must confront her hopes and fears about love, she must question all of her expectations and ideas about life and how much she's ready for someone to enter her solitary life.

More than a destined love story, it is ultimately a novel about how a teen age girl resurrect her own exciting life and how a teen age boy guide her through.

Ps: a story done within a month under enhanced community quarantine, IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING MORE than mafia, gangster billionaire- you all gonna love this!
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