Read Stories I don't need to be in a relationship...I think I changed my mind :) - TeenFic.Net




I don't need to be in a relationship...I think I changed my mind :)

8 likes / 115 reads
Maya feels like her friends Farkle, Smackle, and Zay and ganging up on her. She hates talks about relationships. She feels she doesn't need to be in one to be happy. But when someone comes in late and reveals their feelings to her, will she change her mind?
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One Shot Stories

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zombies apocalypse (BNHA)

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هـەندێــک جــار ئـاسمــان بـە جـۆرێــک تـاریکــە تـەنانــەت بیـنـیــنی ئـەستـێـرەکــانیـش زەحــمەتــەتـۆش لـە نێــو تــاریـکیــدا خـۆت شـاردۆتــەوە بـە جـۆرێـک ون بــویـت نـاتـوانــم بتــدۆزمــەوە»…

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