Read Stories I Don't Belong Here~Kaz Brekker x Reader~ - TeenFic.Net




I Don't Belong Here~Kaz Brekker x Reader~

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I don't belong here.
Especially not with him.
(Y/N) was a normal girl. Dyed her hair, went to school, had friends, an unhealthy obsession over fictional characters... Everything we all have. But one day she left her home- originally going to school -and ended up in Ketterdam. Soon she fell in with the Crows, and she found herself growing closer to Kaz Brekker, the feared Bastard of the Barrel.
Kaz Brekker x Reader
Starts during the first season
(And I know Kaz doesn't like to be touched, but for the sake of the plot and cute moments I need you to bear with me)
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