Read Stories Hustler - TeenFic.Net





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This is the story of Passion She has a struggling life at the moment. She lives with her baby sister who she basically raised. She has to learn what it means to be a Hustler. Once she learns it theres no looking back.
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F1 Groupchat + House PART 2

F1 Groupchat + House PART 2

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Part 2 of my groupchat book with:More dramaMore chaosAnd all the drivers live in 1 house…

That one gamer - Ben drowned x M! reader

That one gamer - Ben drowned x M! reader

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Back into Reality (Tweek x Craig)

Back into Reality (Tweek x Craig)

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Almost Together

Almost Together

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"Almost Together" is a tender Boys' Love (BL) story that delicately weaves themes of longing, fate, and the complexities of love. Set against the backdrop of a picturesque town, it follows the intertwining lives of two young men, each navigating their own paths yet inexplicably drawn to one another.Sky, a reserved artist with a passion for capturing fleeting moments in his paintings, finds himself unexpectedly captivated by Zehan, a free-spirited musician who brings vibrancy to every tune he plays. Their initial meeting sparks a connection that defies explanation, leading them on a journey of discovery as they tentatively explore their feelings amidst the backdrop of their artistic pursuits.As their bond deepens, Zehan and Sky confront obstacles that threaten to keep them apart, from personal insecurities to external pressures. Yet, through shared moments of vulnerability and unspoken understanding, they discover that their connection transcends physical proximity. Each encounter brings them closer to understanding the true meaning of love and sacrifice, ultimately challenging them to confront their deepest desires and fears.…

The Owl House Continued

The Owl House Continued

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Hi! Imagine if the owl house continued after the time skip!? Well that is what this is. There are some head canons that I would like to mention:Raine - STILL NON-BINARY but for the sake of the future of the story they were born female.Luz - She/They (No specified gender identity)Hunter - Adopted by both Darius and Camila but they are not togetherLilith- AROACEAlador- Was forced to marry Odalia. He was and still is gay.Collector - he/theyMostly gonna focus on Raeda!!…

Quick thought story's from author to you.

Quick thought story's from author to you.

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This is where my feelings will unravel and I'll write my text as my thoughts decide it. I do know this is a story app but.. I also will have poetry. Do enjoy though.…

¡Mírame a los ojos!

¡Mírame a los ojos!

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-Ya estoy cansado de esto-dice gritando-Entonces ahora que la fama se te subió ¿estás cansado de mi?-digo con la voz rota-solo quiero vivir tranquilo-dice separándose de mí-me estás dejando Jeremías?-dices Se queda callado -¡mírame a los ojos!-gritó llorando…

The perfect gene: The awakening

The perfect gene: The awakening

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oh, hey, I'm Nina Olova. Just your average, everyday girl living in a world where the only options seem to be mind-boggling wealth or soul-crushing poverty. I'm firmly in the latter category, because who needs money when you can have the smell of desperation clinging to you like a bad habit?I've learned to rely only on myself, because that's what you do when survival is all that matters. But hey, at least I'm not boring, right? I've got these super fun, totally-not-terrifying abilities that make me a freak show. It's like I'm asking to be ostracised.But wait, it gets better! My stepmother, the epitome of maternal love, has decided I'm more useful as a cash-out option. You see, my brother is sick, and medical bills aren't cheap. So, she's sold me to the government. Yep, you read that right. Sold. Like a piece of meat on the market. And my dad? Clueless, because what's a little betrayal among family?So, here I am, owned by the very institution that supposedly created me and those like me. But don't worry, I'm not planning on going quietly into that good night. I'll fight, with every ounce of weirdness I have. Because when all you have is defiance, you cling to it like a lifeline. The war between the government and the enhanced has just gained a new front, and I'm the weapon they never saw coming.…

I'm home now


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