Read Stories How It Begin || A Captain Swan Story  - TeenFic.Net




How It Begin || A Captain Swan Story

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Emma Swan has built up her walls when her particular loved one had died and she doesn't want anyone to know about her past. She had a horrible past that she's afraid to tell people. She had some difficulties to trust people that she is not close with and she doesn't believe in love again.

Killian Jones aka Captain Hook, had lost some loved ones too. He doesn't even care about anyone other than himself and his revenge. Ever since then, he wanted revenge on Rumplestiltskin that killed her first love, Milah. He spend his whole lifetime hunting down Rumple.

When Emma and Hook meet, do you think Emma will let her walls down and begin to believe in love again or will she keep it up? Will Hook ever choose to let go of his first love or continue his vengeance?


Disclaimer here! I do not own any of this characters of once upon a time. All rights reserves goes to the writers of ouat, Adam Horowitz and Eddie Kitsis and the network of ouat. I'm glad that I have found this show because it is a part of my life now. I'm just creating a fanfiction of captain swan and mostly plots and scenes are mine and I do not copy from someone else's ff. I may take some of the scene and lines from the show but I'll changed it up a little.
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