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You have a abusive owner but then one day you are saved by a unknown person and you are taken to a barn but the one thing you don't is are these humans nice will they keep you safe? Will your old owner try and get you back find out in this story!
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8 1 18

This is the love story between two imperfect human beings.Mark and Vee are two engineering students.Vee is dating to Ploy, a pretty girl from another faculty; while Mark is in love, unrequited, with Bar; one of Vee's friends. After spending a night together, the two get closer and closer, ending up going to bed together several times.When Vee discovers that his girlfriend is cheating on him, he finds refuge and comfort in Mark, who in the meantime has started to have feelings for the other boy.Will Vee be able to accept his new sexual orientation? And this time will Mark be able to fulfill his dream of love?Author: Faddist…

His Adorable Love 🦋 .

His Adorable Love 🦋 .

930 270 38

[ HAMDAN KHAN ] " There is no such thing as love, it is just attraction that people feel for each other. And now I have stopped feeling anything . "[ ALAYA BURHAN ] " Love is a very beautiful feeling but it was not made for people like me, because it never suits me . "Crush to Strangers to Lovers .…



374 42 28

"What would life be like, if music didn't exist?"~ A collection of 30 songs I love…

No Gods, Nor Masters

No Gods, Nor Masters

2 1 22

After the pyrrhic victory of the Human-Covenant War, the Covenant was split into many warring factions vying for the power of old. The UNSC was left, bloodied, but as the sole power in the Milky Way for now. After an incredible discovery within a set of Forerunner Ruins, an Exploration Fleet with Doctor Halsey at its head is sent out. What they find will change everything.…

Until I Make You Mine

Until I Make You Mine

28 3 3

Cursed Owen will do whatever it takes to get that "I do," even if it means making her royal highness fall hopelessly in love with him.**Princess Charlotte never imagined Owen would return to fulfill a childhood promise of marriage. Nor did she expect her sweet, kind friend from childhood to turn into an annoying, arrogant, self-pleasing fool! Turns out Owen has a curse to break, and needs her help, but he's asking for something that's just not possible.It's only when Annabelle, Charlotte's half-sister, is kidnapped and no one in the castle is willing to help that Charlotte agrees to aid Owen on his quest in exchange for rescuing her sister.But things aren't so easy. Owen has five impossible promises to fulfill, and they're called impossible for a reason. To complete each task, they have to work together, which is proving harder each day. Charlotte's plan-oriented personality clashes with Owen's spontaneous nature, and the two will either end up helping or hindering each other.With a year left on Owen's spell, and the possibility of finding Charlotte's sister slowly approaching, Owen may have to convince Charlotte to marry him sooner. And the only way to do that is to make Charlotte actually fall in love with him.Will Owen capture the princess's heart? Will Charlotte rescue Annabelle in time? Or will this spell take Owen away from Charlotte before either of them can find out?…



2 0 16

Ash died. Between a battle against Mewtwo and Mew, he intercepted to sacrifice his own life only to see the afterlife wasn't interested in keeping him for long. Thrusted into a new version of his life, where everything seems to go in a way that seems determined to break him and his few friends in half.At least he has a new close friend in this Steven guy, and a new bucketload of experiences that he used to never have... that he doesn't remember.But the Butterfree effect rings true, and a man can only take so much stress before he starts breaking and fraying at the edges himself a little.…

The hand you're dealt

The hand you're dealt

30 0 110

I read this story on a03 and felt the need to post it here. (So I can come back to it whenever)ALL THE CREDIT GOES TO : brigid1318 - a03Vivien Babineaux didn't ask to have humans kill her parents, or to have a mentally ill younger brother, or to fall in love with an X-Man. But that's the hand life deals her, and she's not one to fold just because things get complicated. Even when torn between love and family, Brotherhood and X-Men, Vivien will always fight for what she believes is right.(Smut more towards the end)…

stxlkin song lyrics

stxlkin song lyrics

8 0 12

this is to see all the lyics of all the songs made by stxlkin !…

Kousano story ideas you can steal cuz I can't write

Kousano story ideas you can steal cuz I can't write

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